Activities of the Data Mining Group at ECML/PKDD 2019

The Data Mining Group actively participated in a number of activities at the ECML/PKDD 2019 conference.

The group members presented research papers, posters and also organized two workshops. The workshop programs are available at the following links.

  • DeCoDeML (Deep Continuous-Discrete Machine Learning)
  • AIMLAI & XKDD (Advances in Interpretable Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence & eXplainable Knowledge Discovery in Data mining)

The research paper "Pairwise Learning to Rank by Neural Networks Revisited: Reconstruction, Theoretical Analysis and Practical Performance: Marius Köppel*, Alexander Segner*, Martin Wagener*, Lukas Pensel*, Andreas Karwath^, Stefan Kramer*" was presented at the Ranking session.

The following papers were presented at the DeCoDeML and SoGood workshops.

DeCoDeML Spotlight Talk 1: Zahra Ahmadi, Sina Malakouti and Stefan Kramer. Deep Tree Networks: A New Symbolic Deep Architecture

DeCoDeML Spotlight Talk 3: Sophie Burkhardt, Nicolas Wagner, Johannes Fürnkranz and Stefan Kramer. Extracting Rules with Adaptable Complexity from Neural Networks using K-Term DNF Optimization

DeCoDeML Spotlight Talk 4: Nicolas Wagner, Sophie Burkhardt, Stefan Kramer. A Deep Convolutional DNF Learner

SoGood Talk: Lukas Pensel and Stefan Kramer. Forecast of Study Success in the STEM Disciplines Based Solely on Academic Record

The DeCoDeML workshop was organized for the first time and participation was well beyond the expectations of the organizing committee.

* = Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
^ = University of Birmingham