The TOPML project ("Trading off Non-Functional Properties of Machine Learning") funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, started on the 1st of July. An online kick-off meeting has taken place on the 6th of July, hosted by the spokesperson Prof. Stefan Kramer.
Prof. Stefan Kramer gave an informal presentation which touched upon the various themes of TOP-ML (fairness, interpretability, resource-efficiency, privacy, law and ethics) and described opportunities for collaboration. In particular, a series of lunch meetings is currently being planned. As the project members have different backgrounds, information sharing and regular informal meetings will help foster collaboration and multi-disciplinarity.
New PhD Students and researchers are currently being hired, with the first ones starting in the month of July. More hirings are currently planned for early fall.
The findings from the various themes are to be used within JGU itself, but also transferred to industrial practice. An AI Lab is to be located at Mainz University of Applied Sciences due to its proximity to regional and national industry. The developed methods in the planned research project will be implemented as software applications in the lab. They will serve to test and validate the developed methods. In addition, the implementation of the results as executable software applications ensures a successful transfer to science and industry
The University Medical Center Mainz also participated in the meeting to explore ways of joining the TOPML project.