Minh Duc Bui, M.Sc.

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Institut für Informatik
Staudingerweg 9
55128 Mainz, Germany

E-Mail: minhducbui@uni-mainz.de


Hi, my name is Minh Duc Bui (call me Duc) and I am a Ph.D. candidate in Natural Language Processing (NLP) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. von der Wense.


Research Interests

  • Model/Resource efficiency in NLP (How can NLP models be made faster and more resource-efficient?)
  • Fairness in NLP (How can NLP systems be designed to eliminate bias and ensure fairness?)
  • Intersection of Efficiency & Fairness in NLP (What are trade-offs between efficiency methods and the resulting fairness?)
  • Transfer Learning in NLP (How does NLP use pre-trained models to enhance performance on low-resource domains?)

Short Scientific CV

since 09/2023 Ph.D. candidate at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz
06/2022 - 08/2023 Data Scientist at Bosch, Stuttgart
02/2020 - 08/2022 Data Science (M.Sc.) at University of Mannheim
09/2016 - 08/2019 Mathematics in Economics (B. Sc.) at University of Mannheim
